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308 lines
FastTask version 1.00
© Sam Kington 5th April 1994
This program is freeware, *not* public domain – i.e., I retain copyright (see
“Boring legal message”)
FastTask is RISC OS 3 only - sorry for anyone who still has RO2 (hello Kemal
;-) ). If you don’t want to read all of this, use interactive help instead.
Terminology note: I use “application” and “task” interchangeably throughout
this document.
An HTMLised version of this is available as Docs.!Help/html, or on
The TaskEnsure application is © Ben Summers - see Docs.TaskEnsure for more
details. The WimpKey module - version 1.10 - is © Jason Williams and Sam
Kington - see Docs.WimpKey for more details.
What this program does
FastTask allows you to start tasks from the keyboard, as if from the
command line. Unlike the command line, it has a pretty good idea of where to
find them as well, as it keeps a list of the most regularly-used directories,
so after you’ve been using it for a while it should find most of your
applications within seconds. Usually you would have to specify a
complete path; with FastTask you just tell it the name of the task. Compare
this with the time spend ploughing through directory structures, even if you
have something like Director, and the gains are considerable.
FastTask is the sort of program you should put in your Boot sequence, as
most of its usefulness comes from it sitting in the corner quietly listening
to the applications you’re running and where they came from. When you
actually want to start a task with it, Select-click on its icon or press the
hot-key (by default Shift-Insert, but you can change it later - see below). A
small window will pop up, where you can type in the name of the task (a
preceding ‘!’ is not necessary – see below). To start the thing going, press
Return; press Escape to close the window. There isn’t an OK button or
anything, but then you’ll be using the keyboard anyway so you don’t need one.
FastTask will then go away and look in it’s “hit list” of directories, to
see if the file you asked for is in any of those. Usually it will, and the
longer you have had FastTask on your machine the higher the likelyhood of it
finding it, but if it doesn’t it will search the entire directory tree until
it finds the file or runs out of space (it can only cope with 256 directories).
If it takes more than 20 seconds to find the file, you’d be better finding it
yourself - remember that once you’ve opened the directory the task was in,
FastTask will know about it and remember it next time.
Every time FastTask successfully runs a task, the directory the task was
in will be moved up the list. Conversely, if a directory is no longer present
(floppy discs are prime candidates, but it could also happen if you've
re-organised your directory structure), it will be moved down. If you choose
the menu option “Show list” or have a look at the “Hits” file inside
!FastTask, you’ll see that each directory has a number next to it – this is
the number of times the directory has been accessed.
Creating a hit-list from scratch
When you first get FastTask, you won’t have a hit-list - or if you do, you
shouldn’t as it’s unlikely to work on your machine (how many of you out there
have a hard-disc called CFS#IDEFS::HD110?). If there isn’t a file called
“Hits” inside FastTask, FastTask will attempt to create one. First of all, it
adds the root directory - taken as <System$Dir>.^.^.^.^.^. This is OK, as
spurious “^”s are ignored - and if someone has !System more than five levels
down their directory tree, I’ll be surprised. (I only have about ten files five
levels down...)
It then adds the library (%), System:Modules and Resources:$.Apps. It
doesn’t bother with $ or &, because $ doesn’t expand correctly with CFS
Finally, it trawls through all the $Dir variables - i.e. FastTask$Dir,
FinalLook$Dir etc. - and adds the parent directories, so if FastTask was
CFS#IDEFS::HD110.$.Utilities.Files.!FastTask, it would add
This should be enough to get you started. The best way is to walk around
opening all the directories you think you might need, so FastTask knows about
them, which is the important bit. It will speed up later when it sorts them
in the correct order, but in any case it will be faster than it looking
through the whole tree, and going through your fonts, files, and other
directories that don’t contain anything useful.
Note that FastTask treats applications differently from directories - i.e.
if you open a directory, it gets added to the list or promoted, if you open
an application it doesn’t. Also, if FastTask finds an application when it’s
searching the tree, it stops, it doesn’t look inside. If you have special
applications that hold other applications (because you want them to have a
nice picture), either run one of the applications while FastTask is loaded,
or open up the application before you run FastTask for the first time, so the
applications inside are booted and FastTask will know where they are when
it’s looking at $Dir variables.
The hit-list is stored as the text file “Hits” inside !FastTask. The format
is very simple: a number, which is the number of times the directory has been
found (must be 1 or more), a space, the full name of the directory. As
mentioned above, deleting it will cause FastTask to re-create it next time it
is run. The file will be updated when FastTask quits.
Adjust-clicking on the main icon, or choosing “Choices...” will open the
Choices window. If you don’t have Director or Compression, you will only be
able to set the hot-key, which is the key combination used to open the
FastTask window. Choose one that isn’t used by any task, not even Impression
- which narrows the choice down a bit. Shift- or Ctrl-Tab are the sort of
thing in mind, but they’re often used; combinations of Insert are also
To set the hot-key, just press the key-combination you want to use when
the choices window is open.
Clicking on the small “i” icon will run Help. See below for how to change
If you have Director loaded, FastTask will create a Director menu called
“FastTask” that behaves very much like the Memoriser menu, except that it’s
the most *commonly* used *directories*, rather than the most recently used
files. The option “Size of director menu” will modify the length of the menu -
just click on the arrows or type in a new value in the usual way.
If you have Compression (CFS), then you may end up with both compressed
and uncompressed versions of the same paths - e.g. CFS#IDEFS::HD110.$ and
IDEFS::HD110.$. (My fonts are all uncompressed, for instance). This isn’t
usually a problem, except when you start searching the directory tree - in
which case, the number of directories searched effectively doubles. Selecting
“Only examine CFS when scanning” should solve this problem; it also has the
side-effect of ignoring ResourceFS, uncompressed floppy drives and CDs, but
then Resources:$.Apps should already be in the hit-list, and floppies and CDs
are too slow.
The previous option only ignores other filing systems when it hasn’t found
a file in the hit-list, and is searching the entire directory tree; however,
you will often want FastTask to ignore floppies or CDs *all the time* – after
all, having removeable media in the list of directories to search means that
FastTask may well ask you to insert them, only to find there wasn’t anything
of interest there anyway. Choosing “Ignore drive :0” will stop directories on
drive 0 – of any filing system – from being added to the hit-list.
Finally, selecting “ignore non-executable files” will stop FastTask telling
you about files it has found that match the description you gave it, but are
not executable (i.e. their filetype is not in the “FileTypes” file – see
Extended commands
You don’t just have to run one file: you can give FastTask a list of
filenames, separated by spaces, and it will attempt to load each of them in
turn. You can also give FastTask such a list in its command-line – i.e.
“Run CFS#IDEFS::HD110.$.Utilities.Files.!FastTask BlakHole2 FinalLook
LineEditor” (which would turn FastTask into a rudimentary boot application).
Note that you can’t do this with Filer_Run, because Filer_Run snips out the
extra parameters.
You can also do other things apart from running applications (although
running them is the default) by using special commands. If you put “-boot”,
“-open”, “-tinydir” or “-*<cmd>” (where <cmd> should be replaced by a single
*command of your choice) anywhere in the list of filenames, all the filenames
that follow the command will be passed to it – until another command is
found. There is also a “-run” command, that will simply reset to the default
action. So the string “-boot resed -open modules -tinydir link cc objasm -run
webster” would boot !ResEd, open the Modules directory, add !Link, !CC and
!ObjASM to the tinydirs (also known as “Pinboard on the icon bar”), and
finally run !Webster.
But the really serious bit is -*<cmd> (use this with caution, though – you
could crash FastTask). For instance, if we set the following variables:
*Set Alias$SaveFullPath "echo |<FastTask$File> { >> pipe:$.output }"
*Set Alias$PrintPaths taskwindow "print pipe:$.output" -quit
then the command line “-*SaveFullPath system boot modules templed
-*PrintPaths system” would print the full paths of !System, !Boot,
System:Modules and !TemplEd in a taskwindow. The only restriction is that
<cmd> must be one word - but you can just define alias$cmd to get round that.
The full pathname of the application handed to the command is held in the
system variable FastTask$File.
Other stuff
If you have Director, assigning a keyboard short-cut to the FastTask menu
is a good idea, as it means you can use FastTask with the mouse if you want.
I personally use Shift-Insert, Ctrl-Insert and Shift-Ctrl-Insert for,
respectively, FastTask’s window, Memoriser and FastTask’s Director menu.
Shift and Control work the way they do in the Filer when you start a task
- i.e. holding down shift opens an application or loads a file into Edit,
holding down Control doesn’t boot applications.
If you want to use another interactive help provider than !Help, for
instance StrongHelp or BubbleHlp, modify the bit in the !Run file that sets
the variable Alias$GetHelp. Keep the Filer_Run bit in to start the help
provider as a separate task.
As mentioned above, FastTask doesn’t force you to enter an initial ‘!’ for
a task – in fact, it expects you to have done so. If you have !Webster inside
a directory called Webster, FastTask will run the application rather than
opening the directory, even though the directory will be “found” first.
Finally, you may also want to alter the list of filetypes FastTask thinks
are runnable files. By default, directories and especially applications are
considered as runnable, as well as modules, absolute files and utilities. You
may want to add BASIC files, or even SoundTracker modules or Impression files.
To do so, edit the “FileTypes” file inside !FastTask; each new file-type should
be on a separate line. Filetype names should be case-sensitive; straight
numbers might work as well. Beware: if you add too many, there might be
conflicts. In particular, adding Obey files is rather stupid, as you might not
be able to open your !Boot directory (type in !Boot, hold down Shift), as
some application might be higher up the list than your root directory.
Oh yes: “Wibble wobble fishcakes” is a quote from Terry Pratchett, Reaper
Man I think.
Greetings, thank-yous
Credit where credit’s due, to Kemal Sangrar (gtmw03@arts.gla.ac.uk), who
designed the icon and the main window, as well as writing a very early
version of it (which I promptly threw away, but that’s life).
Hellos also go to Nick Craig-Wood (author of Director - if you don’t have
it, get it at once), Dick Alstein (TemplEd and WimpInfo), Dominic Symes
(Zap), Cy Booker (BasCompress - if you haven’t registered yet, do so), Mark
Greenwood, a.k.a. The Fat German (BlackHole), and Olly Betts (loads of neat
modules like LineEditor, SpecialCase etc.). If I’m into waves, well, hello
comp.sys.acorn. That should take care of most people ;-).
Boring legal message
This application is freeware, that is, it can be distributed freely as
long as only reasonable charges are made for media and distribution. I retain
copyright on all program code and documentation.
This software is supplied “as is”: I make no warranty, expressed or
implied, of the merchantability of this software or its fitness for any
particular purpose. In no circumstances shall I be liable for any damage,
loss of profits, or any indirect or consequential loss arising out of the use
of this software or inability to use this software, even if I have been
advised of the possibility of such loss.
In other words, if your computer crashes, blows up, you lose all your work
etc. all because of FastTask, *it’s not my fault*. Honest.
About all these strange foreign characters in this file
OK, so if you’re reading this on a PC or a Mac or another strange machine
like that, you may be wondering what all these strange ae things are. Well,
they’re quotes (sorry, there was another one), dashes, ligatures, etc.
Honest. But not on all machines...
Basically, character sets are only standard up to character 127, which is
basically alphanumerics and a few standard punctuation marks. Foreign
characters, typographical oddities like quotes and ligatures, and other more
obscure symbols are “non-standard”, and each computer often has its own idea
of where they should go in the character set. So don’t worry: even if it’s
hard to read on your current machine, it won’t be on an Acorn machine. It may
look slightly strange if you’re using the System font, however.
But why am I using these strange characters in the first place? Well,
they’re in the character set and they look nice in an outine font, and I’ve
written a program called Smart Quotes (sorry for the plug) that substitutes
these sort of characters automatically, and I’ve got it turned on at the
How to contact me
All bug-reports, suggestions, comments or indeed any feedback at all will be
welcomed. Here’s how to get to me:
E-mail : 926286ki@udcf.gla.ac.uk during term-time
These should be OK until June 1996
I (probably) won’t be at Glasgow during the holidays, but mail
will be automatically forwarded to wombat@altern.com, which is
my French email address.
Snail-mail : My term-time address, at least until June 1995, is:
Sam Kington
Flat 2/1
44 Hotspur Street
Glasgow G20 8NL
Again, a backup is the home address – anything that goes here will get
to me eventually.
Sam Kington
24420 Savignac les Eglises
Term-time is October to June, with bits off at Christmas (3 weeks) and
Easter (4 weeks).
If you want an updated version of this, send a disc and the appropriate stamp
(or two discs) to the appropriate address. So if I’m in France, send a French
stamp to the French address; if I’m in the UK, send a Brit stamp to Glasgow.
And yes, the Brit address doesn’t last for very long anymore - sorry.
If you send me something in the UK, bear in mind that I don’t have
(easy) access to Acorn machines, so don’t send me an Acorn disc, send me a PC